2019 Plenary Speakers
Dr. Sali Tagliamonte

Dr. Sali A. Tagliamonte (University of Toronto) is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Toronto (Canada), the Canada Research Chair in Language Variation and Change, and an Honorary Visiting Professor in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science at the University of York (UK). She has published 6 books and numerous articles in the field of language variation and change. Her recent project focuses on dialects of Ontario English, looking at various communities e.g., Toronto, North Bay, South Porcupine, Kirkland Lake, Haliburton, Almonte, Wilno, Kapuskasing and Barry's Bay.
Dr. Paula Leverage is an Assistant Professor of French in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Purdue University. Her field of research is Medieval French literature, and cognitive scientific approaches to literary analysis. Her interests also include the French novel, francophone literature, and French cinema. Her book Reception and Memory: A Cognitive Approach to the Chansons de Geste is forthcoming in Rodopi's Faux Titre series (eds. Keith Busby and Michael Freeman). Among her publications are "Unrolling Memories: Audience Inscription in the Renaut de Montauban Prologue," published in Romania (2000); and "Memory and Mnemonic Images in some Chanson de geste Prologues," which appeared in Romance Languages Annual (1999).
Dr. Douglas Biber

Dr. Douglas Biber (Northern Arizona University) is a Regents' Professor of Applied Linguistics at Northern Arizona University. He specializes in corpus linguistics, linguistic theory, and language variation. He is a leading figure in the field of corpus linguistics, who has authored multiple groundbreaking books and journal articles. He is the author of around two dozen books and more than 200 journal articles. Grammatical complexity in academic English: Linguistic change in writing is his recent book that came out in 2016