Call For Proposals
Deadline extended to Dec. 16, 2018
The Purdue Linguistics Association, the School of Languages and Cultures, and the Second Languages Studies Program at Purdue University are happy to announce the Fourth Purdue Linguistics, Literature, and Second Language Studies Conference (PLLS). This interdisciplinary conference seeks presentations of original research from graduate students, early career scholars, and established scholars in the theme of “Inform, Perform, Transform.” This theme was chosen because it highlights the informative, performative, and transformative nature of language: language, enabled by its inherent structure and creative and generative power, informs us of cultures, peoples, desires, emotions, material conditions, and power structures, performs identities and subjectivities, and transforms the status quo, be it imbalance, marginalization, tension, or conflict. Preference will be given to presentations that fit this theme, though other topics in the areas of linguistics, literature, and second language studies will also be considered.
Anthropological Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
Discipline of Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Forensic Linguistics
General Linguistics
Historical Linguistics
History of Linguistics
Language Acquisition
Language Documentation
Linguistic Theories
Philosophy of Language
Text/Corpus Linguistics
American Sign Language and Literature
Applied Linguistics and Literature
Arabic Studies
Chinese Studies
Cognitive Literary Studies
Comparative Literature
Cultural Studies
Eco-criticism and Environmental Studies
English Studies – Language and Literature
Ethnic Studies
Film Studies
Foreign Language Acquisition
French and Francophone Studies
German Studies
History & Literature
Japanese Studies
Jewish and Religious Studies
Literary Criticism
Luso-Brazilian Studies
Russian Studies
Spanish and Spanish American Studies
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Second Language Studies:
Analysis of Discourse and Interaction
Assessment and Evaluation
Bilingual, Immersion, Heritage, and Minority Education
Corpus Linguistics
Educational Linguistics
Language Cognition and Brain Research
Language and Ideology
Language and Technology
Language Maintenance and Revitalization
Language Planning and Policy
Language, Culture, Socialization and Pragmatics
Reading, Writing, and Literacy
Research Methodology
Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy
Second Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition, and Attrition
Text Analysis (Written Discourse)
Translation and Interpretation
Vocabulary and Lexical Studies
New Deadline: December 16, 2018
Proposals should be submitted through our Google Form. Your proposal must not contain any information identifying the author(s), including university affiliation and program of study.
Individual papers: Individual papers are formal presentations on a contribution of original knowledge by one or more authors within a thirty-minute period, including 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. Paper presentations will be organized into sessions of 2-3 papers grouped by strand or theme. The first author should submit the proposal through the submission link. Proposals should not exceed 500 words.
Panel proposals: Panel proposals allow for extended discussion on a particular topic, achieved through the organization of individual presentations that are clearly linked to the panel theme and to each other. Panels are 90 minutes long, and typically consist of 3 to 4 short presentations followed by a minimum of 20 minutes of discussion. The panel organizer should submit the proposal through the submission link. The proposal cannot exceed 1,000 words. In the proposal, the panel organizer should identify the theme, topic, and purpose of the panel, and briefly introduce each presenter’s paper. All individual presentations/discussions on a panel must meet the evaluation criteria for the panel to be considered.
Posters: Poster presentations are intended for face-to-face discussions of research. Posters are especially effective for information that can be presented visually (e.g. charts, graphs, tables, diagrams). Prospective presenters are encouraged to consider posters, because of the opportunity they provide for extended discussion with other researchers. The first author should submit the proposal through the submission link. Proposals should not exceed 500 words.
All proposals must be submitted in English. Your paper may be presented in a language other than English; however, permission to do so is at discretion of the conference committee and will depend on whether we have enough interest to justify a panel in the language. Authors may submit more than one proposal, either joint or individual.